Transparent. Scalable.
Made for you.

Pay for what you really need. Our plans scale with your business growth. Monthly subscriptions. No hidden costs!

Choose plan or select number of detections:

  • Pro
    All you need
  • Premium
    The power pack
  • Individual
    Enterprise level
Monthly leads ?
Individual as you

Our pricing:
made for your business!

  • Pay what you need

    Plans that match your individual business needs. Full cost control. No automatic upgrades.

  • Transparent pricing

    Public pricing. Easy options. No hidden fees. Transparency at a glance.

  • Monthly subscriptions

    No contracts. Cancel anytime. Risk-free new business development.

  • Flexible and scalable

    Always in control. Downgrade anytime, upgrade anytime. SalesViewer® scales with your business growth.

  • Annual discounts

    Happiness pays off. Save 10% by choosing our annual plans.

  • Outstanding lead generation costs

    Starting at 41 cents per qualified lead. SalesViewer® is a highly cost-efficient way to grow your business compared to other marketing channels and lead generation costs.

don’t be shy to ask

Frequently Asked Questions

  • One detection is the identification of a company. SalesViewer® will show you all visits of that company, but will only consume one detection (credit) per month for that company.

  • SalesViewer® will automatically pause and notify you, to prevent any hidden costs. It is your choice to decide weather you want to extend your limit or not.

  • You can always change or pause your plan, because of our short 14 day cancellation period.

  • The 3 versions offer different features and amounts of company detections. You can find the perfect fit for you in our 14 day trial.

  • To find the optimal plan for you, our SalesViewer®-Experts will help you evaluate your trial to find the best fit for you.

  • Top tool for marketing & sales