How Safety System Products reveals the impact of their own website.


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The headquarters of SSP
A safety application from SSP

We increased our customer acquisition rate by 15% since we started using SalesViewer®. Safety System Products

Marcel Aulila

Vice President
at Safety System Products

Safety System Products: We simplify safety

SSP has dedicated itself to the mission of making worldwide machine safety easier. The company offers a fully integrated, compatible product range in the field of machine safety technology, with a global network of distribution partners. 

SSP supplies a wide variety of industries with machine safety products such as machine engineering, production & industry. Their customers appreciate SSP’s high-quality service portfolio. Together with SalesViewer®, SSP utilizes the full potential of the website and supports its own sales team. 

SalesViewer® changed our way of marketing.Safety System Products

Wolfgang Engelhart

Head of Sales at Safety System Products

The technical and normative requirements for safety technology in robotics and automation are becoming increasingly complex. As a result, the sales process often becomes very specific and granular. Long sales cycles in global projects require a very high level of technical consulting expertise and a deep insight into the buying center.

On the one hand, SSP’s corporate website needs to work as an information and workflow platform for customers and on the other hand it has to serve as a tool for generating new customers for the sales department. The SSP marketing team was looking for a cutting-edge, innovative solution to improve the understanding of how customers interact with their website, which topics they are particularly interested in and how they could gain the full digital sales potential.

SSP was able to integrate SalesViewer® into their website as well as into their entire sales process in a fast and efficient way. Through close contact to the SalesViewer® service team, the broad, customer-specific sales requirements were realized hand in hand. In a trial of several weeks, all sales focused touch points along the digital customer journey were aligned and made ready for the international roll out.

For the sales process at SSP, it is of special importance to be able to evaluate the quality of customer visits. With SalesViewer®, the sales team directly discovers more about the customer’s activity after a customer meeting. The company’s sales representatives now receive daily automated reports from their sales territories. The customer’s needs are recognized at an early stage and as a result, more orders can be generated.

SalesViewer® delivers actionable data to SSP in global operations: plain numbers are now real names and business opportunities.

Ready to get started with SalesViewer®?

Try SalesViewer® right now for 14 days free of charge & without any risk: Simply enter your URL and generate valuable customer insights, B2B leads and new customers from your own website visitors!

Modern manufacturing at SSP headquarters
The headquarters of SSP
  • Top tool for marketing & sales