How to create custom events in SalesViewer®

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How to create custom events in SalesViewer® Features

How to create custom events in SalesViewer®

Custom events allow you to capture specific actions and interactions of visitors on your website that go beyond the standard tracking options. Here is a detailed guide on how to create and implement these custom events in SalesViewer®.

Steps to create custom events

To create custom events in SalesViewer® tracking, you can use the following format:

sve = window.sve || [];
sve.push(['EventType', {name:'Eventname'}]);

Definition of event type and name

  • First, create or identify a trigger that should be linked with the above code to send a signal to your SalesViewer® account.
  • Replace ‘EventTyp’ with the desired event type, which will act as a group.
  • Replace ‘Eventname’ with the name of the custom event you want to track.

Choose a meaningful event type and name that clearly describe the event. This will simplify later analysis and reporting.


To create an event of type ‘purchase’ with the name ‘Completed Purchase’, use the following code:

sve = window.sve || [];
sve.push(['purchase', {name:'Completed Purchase'}]);

This example sends an event of type ‘purchase’ with the name ‘Completed Purchase’ to SalesViewer®.

Inserting the event into your JavaScript code

Place the custom event code at the location in your JavaScript code where the event should be triggered. This could be when a specific button is clicked or a form is submitted.

Testing and verifying

If you notice after a few days that the custom event has not been triggered, or if you feel it is not functioning correctly, feel free to contact us, and we will conduct a test for the event.

By following these steps, you can effectively create and implement custom events in SalesViewer® to track a wide range of interactions and actions on your website.